Dissemination and Communication activities [WP5 _months 1-48, UNISS]
Description of Work/WP5 leaders are UNISS and ICCRAM. All partners are involved in this WP.
In the communication plan, efforts will aim to achieve best use of project results and to optimize interaction with the public, including interested parties as a complement to WP5.
The dissemination strategy will be based on:
- Diffusion of knowledge through the mobility actions between researchers from the partners teams
- Dissemination via print and electronic media: project’s web site, newspapers articles, newsletters, etc.
- Implementation and maintenance of the website.
- Participation and Organization of Workshops and Technical Meetings during the project life.
- Development, organisation and recording of SME-orientated webinars and the MOOC.
The project will also use social media, moderate forum/discussion groups, in different subjects of CCS assessment for SMEs linked to training-discussion activities (e.g. LinkedIn groups), as well as webinars and video streams to deliver training and outreach.
Task 5.1 Website and regular update of contents. It will include a dedicated intranet for partners containing all relevant documents for the project. M0-2, UNISS
Task 5.2. Communication and Dissemination plan development (month 0-48, UNISS)
Task 5.3 Specific Dissemination campaign to SMEs and sectorial SME-associations (month 12-48, ICCRAM)
Task 5.4 Organization of workshops – Academic & Industrial. The following events are scheduled: “Present and perspectives of CO2 management” M5, UNISS; “Transnational industrial exchange” M16 UCH; “Innovation in CO2 management” M36, MONOLITHOS).
Task 5.5 Development of three SME-orientated webinars (month 18, 30, 42, MONOLITHOS)
Task 5.6 Summer and Winter Schools with an open to the public discussion round table (M24, ICCRAM; M32, UNISS)
Task 5.7 Design and impart a massive open online course (MOOC) in CO2 storage, conversion and utilization (month 24-46, UNISS, ICCRAM)
Task 5.8 Participation in international conferences and scientific publications (month 12-48, ALL)
Task 5.9 Clustering Liaison and strategic representation of CO2MPRISE towards external entities - implementation of arrangements with EC and other external entities of relevance for the project, like EU Zero Emission Platform (ZEP), Global CCS Institute (supported by EU). The project will map further strategic collaborations with main EU actors, platforms & research organizations, to establish future synergies & maximize transfer of knowledge (month 3-48, UNISS)